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1. Why did I get this disease?
Any disease is caused in the body as a result of imbalance of the three doshas namely: vital humours namely-Vata, Pitta and Kapha
According to Ayurveda any disease manifests because of Pragna aparadha or Parinama or Asatmendriyartha samyoga.

1. Pragna aparadha- Intentionally doing an action that leads to a disease. Eg: Although a person knows that Curd increases phlegm he/ she intentionally consumes excess curds in wrong season and lands up in wheezing.

2. Parinama- Natural changes in the season or day causes increase/decrease in doshas which is not under one’s control. Eg: Persons with Allergic rhinitis sneeze more in the morning which is the period when the moisture is more in the environment and hence
kapha- the moistury dosha increases in the body. Also cases of Chicken pox, Urticaria rise during the beginning of Varsha ritu/ rainy season when the pitta increases in the body due to the seasonal changes.
3. Asatmendriyartha samyoga- Unsuitable interactions between the sense organs and its objects leading to diseases. Eg: Staring at the computer screen for a long time can cause vision troubles, Smelling drugs can cause addictions etc.

2. Why should I get treated through Ayurveda?
Ayurveda offers Natural, Safe, Effective, Quick, Long lasting Cure.

3. Why should I get treated through SREEHAREEYAM AYURVEDA?

As mentioned already, the strength of SREEHAREEYAM AYURVEDA rests on its team
of doctors and on Ayurveda that is in practice since the Vedic period. We guarantee sincere
care and personalised attention to all our patients.

4. How does SREEHAREEYAM manage diseases?

SREEHAREEYAM strictly adheres to Ayurvedic principles to manage diseases of patients.
Either we administer
1. Sodhana/ Pancakarma – Eliminative therapies(or)
2. Samana- Pacifying remedies

5. What is meant by Sodhana/ Pancakarma?

It comprises of five different treatments meant to cleanse/ purify the body of the
increased/vitiated dosas.


Vamana- Supervised medically induced emesis
Virecana- Supervised medically induced purgation

Vasti - Supervised medicated enemas
Nasya- Supervised medicated errhines/ nasal drops
Rakta mokshana- Controlled removal of diseased

6. What are the benefits of undergoing Panchakarma?

This treatment gives the maximum benefits to the patient.

1. The severity of the disease/the disease itself as observed in practice comes
2. Once the disease gets cured by Pancakarma it does not recur for the next
few years
3. Even if the condition returns its severity is lesser than the previous episodes

7. Do all diseases require all the Pancakarma/ five procedures?

No. In each disease specific dosas only increase. Hence all the five treatments are not
required to be done for everyone. Also every Pancakarma procedure is specific to every dosa.

8. What is meant by Samana-Palliative medicines?

This implies that Ayurvedic medicines would be administered to the patient to cure him of
the specific condition. It is done when the patient does not have the time to undergo
Pancakarma treatment. Also some minor diseases do not require Pancakarma therapy.

9. What is the time duration of Samana/ Palliative treatment?

It depends on the condition and its severity. Some conditions can be treated with single shot medicines while some conditions may take a year or more to get alright.

10. Do I have to follow dietary restrictions? What if I don’t follow the restrictions?

Yes. Wrong eating is one of the major nidana/cause of disease according to Ayurveda.
Dietary modifications is advised for 2 purposes.

1. Enhance the efficacy of medicines/ To prevent side effects of medicines in the
2. Nidana parivarjana- Avoiding the disease causing factors through diet control
hastens disease curability

If you don’t follow the restrictions the above said purposes may not be achieved

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